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Hi Purpose Seeker, It's time for you to "Purpose Forward" and do the sacred work you were born to do! 
Purpose Forward: The Ultimate Career Starter's Guide to Finding a Career (and Life) of Purpose

Purpose Forward Book

Dr. Peter Maribei, assistant vice president of student affairs, San Francisco Bay University

“Purpose Forward is not just a book; it's an empowering journey toward self-discovery and purposeful living.” 

Ashley S. Freeman, MBA, executive coach and international bestselling author of The Path to Your Career Purpose

“The author's positivity and warmth oozes out of every page providing a comfortable, safe, and encouraging space for the reader to roll up their sleeves and dig into the life they are meant to live.”

Barry Darnell, M.Ed., MBA, executive director of advanced workforce center

“This book is a game changer for job seekers, career changers, advisers, and anyone looking for their best next steps.” 

My "Why"

My Why: Since 2020, I've been diving deep into my own purpose journey, and I can't wait to share the methods that really worked for me (and hundreds of my career coaching clients and students) with all of you. So you can do the sacred work you were born to do!

My intention for this book is to help you arrive at your dharma by feeling your way to it. But also giving you some very strong methods and resources that will satisfy the left (more logical) side of the brain as well!

(What else would you expect from this Recruiter/Career Coach/Yoga Teacher?!)

"Page after page, the reader will find useful, cohesive and research-supported tools to confidently advance forward; with genuineness, with authenticity, and with purpose.” —Marie T. Rogers, Ph.D., RYT, author of Life in Focus: A Self-Discovery Journal for Powerful Transformation

Why is this Career Book different?

Here’s The Secret—Purpose Cannot Be Found Through Intellect Alone.

I find myself chuckling whenever my career coaching clients get super “heady” with finding their purpose. You see—the thinking-mind is useful for certain specific things like doing your taxes, reading maps, or following along with the ingredients in a recipe. But purpose can’t be arrived at through intellect alone, my friend.

In fact, it is pretty much the exact opposite.

Purpose is a feeling-mind concept, not a thinking-mind concept. It is similar to dancing, writing a poem, or sketching out a drawing. Therefore, it can only be found through the feeling-mind process.


The career starter’s answer to finding a career (and life) of purpose—with powerful time-tested reflection questions and cutting-edge resources to launch you into your meaningful new career!

Are you just starting out? Want to live up to your fullest life potential and live your "why"? Ready to shift your mindset, unleash your life purpose, and get clear on your career path? Purpose Forward is your answer to do exactly that.

In this comprehensive guide you will:

  • Clarify who you are at your core

  • Uncover your life purpose

  • Discover what careers will bring you deep meaning

  • Create an action plan to live your best life!


Stay connected to resources here.

What it's About:

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Real Life People's Dharma Statements

Here is why they are here

"I live with mindfulness and with acceptance of myself and others. I embrace uncertainty and change without judgment.

I trust and honor my intuition by releasing resistance and fear to the unknown.

I serve as an example to empower others with gratitude and compassion."

Bridget M.

My Life Purpose Statement.png

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